Which Pest Is Bugging You?
Asian Beetles
Asian beetles hunt garden pests. They will gather in large groups, especially around warm, reflective surfaces like windows. Asian beetles “bite” by scraping the skin they land on, and leave a yellow, foul-smelling liquid on surfaces where they gather.
Asian beetles are most often seen in early spring when coming out of their nesting areas, and in the fall when they will attempt to enter your home looking for warm shelters for the winter.
Treatments are best when they are on the exterior walls of your home targeting them either as they are coming out of the nest in spring (if already in your walls) or warm fall days prior to them entering the home.
An interior barrier and an exterior treatment are needed when dealing with Asian beetles. The amount of beetle activity will determine the amount and how often treatments will be done. Call Priority Termite & Pest Control today for more information.
Box Elder Bugs
The box elder bug is a North American species of true bug. It is found primarily on boxelder trees, as well as maple and ash trees. The adults are about 12.5 millimeters long with a dark brown or black coloration, relieved by red wing veins and markings on the abdomen; nymphs are bright red.
They are typically found in the spring and fall trying to enter homes and businesses. Once a nest is inside a wall, treatments need to be targeted on the interior for a barrier, but also from the exterior as they will exit for food and warmth from the sun.
Treatments are most effective when the box elder bugs are harboring on the exterior of your home. We can target them prior to them entering the home and nesting in the walls for the colder months.
Call Priority Termite & Pest Control to have one of our pest specialists come out today!
Carpenter Ants
Did you know that carpenter ants are a wood destroying insect? They can be very destructive to homes, targeting wood with moisture damage. They do not eat the wood but hollow out damaged areas to make their nests.
Carpenter ants are commonly noticed as a large black ant measuring from 1/2" to 3/4" in length. Signs of carpenter ants include seeing discarded sawdust in window seals, doorways, bathrooms, and even exterior siding. The nest may be in a tree or wood in the yard, but they can enter your home looking for food or shelter.
A carpenter ant nest may not be found immediately or may not be located at all. Targeting the primary areas where they have been seen and continuing a pest control service will rid the colony. It may take up to a year for the queen to be targeted and destroyed. Killing off her workers and protectors is the only way to prevent a colony from continuing to grow.
Fixing the areas with moisture problems will help target the nest directly and can speed up the elimination process. Call Priority Termite & Pest Control for help with your carpenter ant problem today!
Drain Flies & Fruit Flies
Japanese beetle adults emerge from the ground and begin feeding on plants in June and July. Activity is most intense in late June for a four to six-week time frame. During this time females are laying eggs in the soil which will hatch into turf damaging grubs. The white grubs are active feeders through the summer and reach full size by August or September. They are grubs over winter and will feed again in the spring before turning into adults. As an adult, it feeds on over 300 different kinds of plants including roses, linden trees, soybeans, grapes, and more.
The adult has sharp chewing mouthparts and it uses them to eat leaves, flowers, and fruit. Leaves will be eaten leaving only the vein-like portion. Flowers will appear finely shredded as if blasted with sand and fruits will be chewed into and hollowed out. As immature grubs these insects are turf pests, causing damage in lawns as well as sports fields and golf courses.
We can treat them in the grub phase if they are out of hand; however, an arborist may need to be contacted in severe cases to treat larger trees directly. To learn more, call Priority Termite & Pest Control today!
Fleas are commonly found in homes with pets, primarily dogs and cats. They feed on the blood of the animal and humans. They are easily carried in and transported on the animal or us to homes and vehicles. Eggs may fall from the "host" onto the carpet, furniture, etc. where they hatch and reproduce rapidly.
Treating an infested animal or animals is essential. Over the counter spray treatments for homes are not as powerful as the pesticides a licensed company can use. Call Priority Termite & Pest Control to help rid your home and yard of these biting pests! Typically two to four treatments are needed to fully eradicate a home of fleas. Eliminating clutter and other nesting areas on floors will speed up the process!
German Roaches
German roaches are typically brought into businesses through food boxes and containers. These may then be carried into our homes. If you see one cockroach in your home, that means there could already be hundreds more hiding unseen. German roaches are smaller and typically have a dark stripe down their back. They are dirty pests leaving behind feces on countertops and other food areas.
Cockroaches pose a health and safety issue because they carry diseases and pathogens and are attracted to human food sources. Furthermore, cockroaches have been linked to incidences of asthma and allergies in children.
German roaches are nocturnal, so infestations can often be very extensive before homeowners ever notice a problem. If you think you might have a roach infestation, don’t waste your time and money on do-it-yourself cockroach control! Over-the-counter insecticides may kill a few existing cockroaches, but they won’t affect cockroach eggs. To get rid of German roaches for good, professional pest control is necessary.
Typically a bi-weekly or monthly service is needed until the infestation is gone. Having refrigerators, dishwashers, and stoves pulled out from walls before the technician arrives will speed up results. Keeping countertops clean and homes clutter-free will also help rid your home or business of German roaches. For more information or to schedule service, call us today!
Indian Mill Moths
Indian Mill moths, along with many other insects including flour beetles, dermestid beetles, grain beetles, and others, can get into our pantry items. These pests do not cause humans any harm. They typically feed on things like pasta, flour, rice, cereal, and other grains in our pantries. They can chew their way into plastic, zip-top bags and boxes.
Storing foods in a glass or hard plastic container with a tight seal on the lid will help keep your pantry free of these pests. If you do get pantry pests into your home, it does not mean you are a messy person; anyone can get them. Often, they are brought home in your groceries from the store. You can freeze the product to kill the pests or just discard any product they get into. You may also want to clean your cabinets well, making sure there are no crumbs on the shelves that these pests may also enjoy.
As a last resort, your pantry may be emptied and a pest control specialist can come out treat areas where food will only be stored in glass or hard plastic containers. Call Priority Termite & Pest Control today for more information!
Japanese Beetles
Japanese beetle adults emerge from the ground and begin feeding on plants in June and July. Activity is most intense in late June for a four to six-week time frame. During this time females are laying eggs in the soil which will hatch into turf damaging grubs. The white grubs are active feeders through the summer and reach full size by August or September. They are grubs over winter and will feed again in the spring before turning into adults. As an adult, it feeds on over 300 different kinds of plants including roses, linden trees, soybeans, grapes, and more.
The adult has sharp chewing mouthparts and it uses them to eat leaves, flowers, and fruit. Leaves will be eaten leaving only the vein-like portion. Flowers will appear finely shredded as if blasted with sand and fruits will be chewed into and hollowed out. As immature grubs these insects are turf pests, causing damage in lawns as well as sports fields and golf courses.
We can treat them in the grub phase if they are out of hand; however, an arborist may need to be contacted in severe cases to treat larger trees directly. To learn more, call Priority Termite & Pest Control today!
Millipedes and Centipedes
Both millipedes and centipedes have bodies made up of many small segments. The body shapes of both animals are similar. They have long, narrow bodies like a worm. The segments look like beads on a string. These unusual animals have some interesting differences.
A centipede's body segment has one pair of legs. Most types of centipedes have between 30 and 300 legs. In contrast, each millipede's body segment has two pairs of legs. One kind of millipede has about 750 legs!
Millipedes eat plant materials like dead leaves. They like rotting logs. They are harmless to people. In contrast, centipedes are predators. They hunt and eat other small insects. If you have an infestation of either of these creatures, call Priority Termite & Pest Control today!
Nuisance Ants
Our Omaha and Council Bluffs pest control services are targeted, fast, and effective. Priority Termite & Pest Control can eliminate ant infestations in your home or business. Our technicians can identify entry points within your home and treat targeted areas, eliminating the colony and preventing new ones from developing. Generally, a monthly service is needed to fully eradicate an entire colony.
Ants are stubborn pests that can be found in virtually every neighborhood of every community. There are several varieties of ants in the Omaha area; none of them make pleasant house guests. Many ants can carry pathogens and diseases, which they track directly into human food sources, such as home pantries and storerooms.
Ants are more than just a nuisance pest; they pose serious risks to Omaha families and homes. That’s why Priority Termite & Pest Control is committed to providing the leading ant control services to the Omaha area. Call us today for an inspection!
Opossums are typically nocturnal and are best known for "playing dead" as a defense mechanism against predators. They consume any food source such as insects, small rodents, fruits, berries, garbage, and unattended pet food.
Opossums can take up residence under porches, sheds, decks, and brush piles. When searching for food they target garbage cans, gardens, pet foods, and composite piles.
If an opossum is taking shelter at your home, contact Priority Termite & Pest Control's wildlife specialist to set traps and safely remove them from your yard or business.
Oriental Roaches and Water Bugs
Oriental roaches are also known as water bugs. They are larger than German roaches and are a dark brown color. They are associated with either moisture issues in the home or run-off issues outside. They can remain indoors all year long and are typically found in cooler areas such as basements.
Some homes are in low lying areas and will not be able to fully eradicate Oriental roaches due to the permanent groundwater and sewer lines.
Priority Termite & Pest Control's goal is to get roaches dead in their tracks! Keeping an interior and exterior barrier down will ensure that, once they enter your residence, they will die.
Over-the-counter insecticides may kill a few existing cockroaches, but they won’t affect cockroach eggs. In order get rid of cockroaches for good, professional pest control is necessary.
Some dwellings may need monthly service, others every other month or even quarterly depending on the elements and moisture factors.
American Roaches and Wood Roaches are also found in Nebraska and Iowa. Treatments are done similar to the previously mentioned methods. Call Priority Termite & Pest Control for more information.
Pill Bugs (Rolly Pollies)
Pill bugs or sow bugs are good decomposers for the environment. Pill bugs are usually a darker gray color compared to the tan color of a sow bug. Sow bugs are also mottled or speckled which gives them a distinct look compared to the pill bug. They also have two little “tails” that poke out of their back end. Sow bugs are not true rolly pollies as they can not roll up like the pill bug can.
These insects prefer damp, dark areas and they consume lots of rotting materials to help clean up the environment. They become pests when they enter a structure and wander around looking for a place to live. It’s best to just vacuum up or sweep up these pill bugs as you see them. Look for any entry points they may have used to get into your home and seal it up with a caulk or silicone putty.
In larger populations, pill bugs can also cause damage to gardens or to new landscape plants as they nibble on them. The best method to prevent this or to reduce their populations is by cleaning up leaves and other debris. This removes their harborage and will help to dry out the area. This drives them to other spots where they will cause less damage.
If they are entering your home, Priority Termite & Pest Control can put an interior and exterior barrier down to kill them and help prevent them from entering your home. Call us today!
Raccoons can get into trash cans and dumpsters, becoming a nuisance as they search for food. They may live under decks or in sheds.
They can cause damage to yards as they search for grubs to feed on. Raccoons can cause extensive damage to your home as well. Male raccoons rarely invade homes and businesses unless their food source is scarce. Female raccoons are the ones who tend to enter attics, chimneys, crawl spaces, etc. They are looking for a shelter to birth their offspring. Raccoons can tear off vents and damage soffits to get into a safe place.
Raccoons can contaminate homes with their excrement and urine. They may also be carriers of disease and should be approached with extreme caution.
Our certified wildlife experts are trained and knowledgeable. They will determine why the raccoons are harboring your home or yard, rid the problem raccoons from your area, and provide tips to prevent more from visiting. Call Priority Termite & Pest Control today for more details!
Do you have a wood shake roof or new wood mulch in your yard? If you are seeing silverfish, this could be the reason why! Silverfish live in moist, dark places, typically underwood shake roofs, and may be brought to your home in wood mulch, where they feed on the moisture of the wood. A silverfish infestation can thrive for extended periods of time unnoticed by homeowners. Oftentimes, silverfish are first discovered near drains in bathtubs or skylights in the ceilings.
Silverfish are fast and elusive bugs that can be a nuisance. In large numbers, silverfish have been known to ruin wallpaper, book bindings, clothing and paper. They feed off the starch found in book glue, linen, silk, and even other dead bugs. If you suspect that there is a silverfish population in your home, it’s essential to have it treated professionally before the problem grows worse.
If you have noticed an existing silverfish problem within your home, it’s time to call Priority Termite & Pest Control to have an expert out today. One of our pest technicians can identify the location and severity of the silverfish problem, and offer a silverfish control plan that will tackle them. Depending on the location of the nest, some homeowners may be able to rid their homes permanently. Others may have to maintain a regular maintenance plan to keep them at bay (typically homeowners with wood shake roofs as the roof will continue to provide a perfect breeding ground).
Skunks are one of the most common carriers of rabies and other diseases harmful to humans and pets.
They tend to be noticed and disliked by their horrible odor or spray they secrete when in fear of a predator. They can damage landscapes, plants, and structures as the search and dig for food.
They may live under building, decks, and patios where nourishment is readily available to them. Priority Termite & Pest Control's experts will trap and remove these odorous and potentially dangerous animals from your home or business.
Stingers: Wasps, Hornets, and Bees
Wasps, hornets, and bees are very beneficial to our environment. They become pests when they interfere with our outdoor activities by instilling fear and the threat of stinging. Many people are highly allergic to their sting, and they can pose serious health risks.
They can make nests in eaves, ledges of your home and deck, trees, and some in the ground.
If you are dealing with honey bees, they are a protected species. A bee charmer may be needed for the removal of the nest safely without harming you or the bees.
Priority Termite & Pest Control can help you kill and remove nests from your home, especially in those hard to reach places! Call us to schedule an inspection.
Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, can live under your deck or shed. They tend to stay near their burrows and are primarily active in the spring, summer, and early fall. They may dig burrows near houses, sheds, and walls with their entrances to the den at the base of solid objects.
Woodchucks' feeding habits may lead them into yards farther from their den in search of grasses, gardens (for vegetables and fruits) and other tasty foods.
It is imperative to know where the den is to eliminate them from your yard. Once this is determined our wildlife experts can trap and remove them from your yard or business. Call Priority Termite & Pest Control today for more details!

Are unwanted critters causing havoc in your home or business? Look no further! Priority Pest Control's sister company, Aksarben Bat & Critter Removal, is your go-to expert for top-notch wildlife control services in Omaha, NE.